Search Instructions (2017)
Records from eTK, eVK2, eVK2 Bibliography or Namelist are searched for a term that consists of a single word or word string.
For single word searches, enter a space before and after the exact spelling.
For word root searches, enter sol instead of solis or solaris, blood instead of bloodletting, or Mart instead of Martin or Martín.
For word string searches, enter the exact spelling, e.g. enter white wine. Enter a word string only if you're sure the exact string exists. Otherwise enter one word in the string and filter the subset.
Each search generates a subset that can be repeatedly searched by entering another term or by eliminating a term.
To search multiple terms, enter one term on the first search page. Review the search results and enter a second term that appears in the first result. This will filter the first result by the second term. Then repeatedly filter each result by a new search term. For example, enter stell as the first search, fix as the second, and Vatican as the third to find references to stars in Vatican Library manuscripts.
To eliminate references to a search term, use a minus sign, e.g. enter laud as the first search and -Laud Misc as the second (searching the first subset) to find references to laud excluding the Laud Misc. collection.
The Searchpath indicates the cumulative search history along with record count at each point in the search sequence.
The browser back arrow (<-) allows a user to backtrack to any point in the search sequence and continue searching.