University of Missouri - Kansas City
Scientific and Medical Writings
in Old and Middle English
Voigts and Kurtz
Find Program
University of Missouri
Kansas City

For scholarly citation of texts please cite the appropriate database and identifying number,
for example eTK 0004C, eTK 0574, eVK2 5606.00 or eVK2 3451

.i Incipit
.a Author
.aa Attributed Author
.tl Title
.m Manuscript Location
.ml Manuscript Library
.mf Folios or Pages
.j Subject Descriptors
.b Bibliographical Info
.k Manuscript ID (eTK)
.vk Manuscript ID (eVK2)
.n Record Number

eVK2 1522.00 (1 citation)
.i Earth is but a little round ball in the middle of the circle of heaven right as the yolk is in the middle
.ix1 Whoso will know of earth
.e ME
.te Earth and Heaven
.m Oxford
.ml Bodleian, Bodley 591
.mf ff. 26-27
.j1 Astronomy
.j2 Planet and planets
.j3 Day and days
.j4 Time
.j5 Cosmology
.vk 1522.00
.n v0030960000

To search for additional information in the eTK or eVK2 databases,
visit The Medieval Academy of America Medieval Digital Resources and click on the link to UMKC.