eTK 1522K (4 citations) ********************** .i Sphera Apulei et Platonici de morte et vita (13c)
.m Munich
.ml Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Codex Latinus Monacensis 4643
.mf f. 99v (13c)
.j1 Prognostication
.j2 Onomancy
.j3 Sphere of life and death
.b1 Beccaria 115.3, 134.4, both 9c
.k 1522K
.n t0291450000
.i Sphera Apulei et Platonici de morte et vita (13c)
.m Cambridge
.ml Cambridge, Peterhouse 222
.mf (III), f. 32 (13c)
.j1 Prognostication
.j2 Onomancy
.j3 Sphere of life and death
.b1 Beccaria 115.3, 134.4, both 9c
.k 1522K
.n t0291460000
.i Sphera Apulei et Platonici de morte et vita (14c)
.m Cambridge
.ml Cambridge, Trinity 1109 (O.2.5)
.mf ff. 15-16 (14c)
.j1 Prognostication
.j2 Onomancy
.j3 Sphere of life and death
.b1 Beccaria 115.3, 134.4, both 9c
.k 1522K
.n t0291470000
.i Sphera Apulei et Platonici de morte et vita (15c)
.m Cambridge
.ml Cambridge, St. John's B.15
.mf f. 53v (15c)
.j1 Prognostication
.j2 Onomancy
.j3 Sphere of life and death
.b1 Beccaria 115.3, 134.4, both 9c
.b2 Atkinson
.k 1522K
.n t0291480000
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