eTK 0679E (5 citations) ********************** .i In hoc meo libro regi cuius vitam prolonget dominus (13c)
.ix1 In hoc meo libro regi cuius vitam prolonget deus
.a Rasis
.ra Gerard of Cremona
.tl pref. Liber Almansoris
.m London
.ml BL, Sloane 1933
.mf ff. 3r-64v (13c)
.j1 Astrology
.b1 printed at Venice, 1497
.b2 Hain 13893, f. a2r
.b3 Klebs 826.2
.b4 IAL R170
.k 0679E
.n t0131250000
.i In hoc meo libro regi cuius vitam prolonget dominus (13c)
.ix1 In hoc meo libro regi cuius vitam prolonget deus
.a Rasis
.ra Gerard of Cremona
.tl pref. Liber Almansoris
.m Vatican City
.ml Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana 4425
.mf ff. 1r-74ra (13c)
.j1 Astrology
.b1 printed at Venice, 1497
.b2 Hain 13893, f. a2r
.b3 Klebs 826.2
.b4 IAL R170
.k 0679E
.n t0131260000
.i In hoc meo libro regi cuius vitam prolonget dominus (14c)
.ix1 In hoc meo libro regi cuius vitam prolonget deus
.a Rasis
.ra Gerard of Cremona
.tl pref. Liber Almansoris
.m Munich
.ml Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Codex Latinus Monacensis 759
.mf ff. 2r-73ra (14c)
.j1 Astrology
.b1 printed at Venice, 1497
.b2 Hain 13893, f. a2r
.b3 Klebs 826.2
.b4 IAL R170
.k 0679E
.n t0131270000
.i In hoc meo libro regi cuius vitam prolonget dominus (1331)
.ix1 In hoc meo libro regi cuius vitam prolonget deus
.a Rasis
.ra Gerard of Cremona
.tl pref. Liber Almansoris
.m Graz
.ml Universitätsbibliothek 203
.mf (1331)
.j1 Astrology
.b1 printed at Venice, 1497
.b2 Hain 13893, f. a2r
.b3 Klebs 826.2
.b4 IAL R170
.b5 no folio numbers
.k 0679E
.n t0131280000
.i In hoc meo libro regi cuius vitam prolonget dominus (13c)
.ix1 In hoc meo libro regi cuius vitam prolonget deus
.a Rasis
.ra Gerard of Cremona
.tl pref. Liber Almansoris
.m Oxford
.ml Bodleian, Laud Misc. C.73
.mf ff. 94ra-120va (13c)
.j1 Astrology
.b1 printed at Venice, 1497
.b2 Hain 13893, f. a2r
.b3 Klebs 826.2
.b4 IAL R170
.k 0679E*
.n t0131290000
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