eTK 0203K (3 citations) ********************** .i Cinctura firmamenti in duodecim equales distribuitur partes (14c)
.a John of Seville
.tl Epitome totius astrologie
.m London
.ml BL, Royal 12.C.XI
.mf ff. 30ra-55vb (14c)
.j1 Astrology
.j2 Zodiac and signs of
.j3 Cosmology
.b1 Spec. astron. cap. 6
.k 0203K
.n t0038970000
.i Cinctura firmamenti in duodecim equales distribuitur partes (14c)
.m Oxford
.ml Bodleian, Digby 38
.mf f. 84 (14c)
.j1 Astrology
.j2 Zodiac and signs of
.j3 Cosmology
.b1 printed at Nuremberg, 1548 (a somewhat different text)
.b2 TR 213
.k 0203K
.n t0038980000
.i Cinctura firmamenti in duodecim equales distribuitur partes (15c)
.m Vienna
.ml Österreichische Nationalbibliothek 5453
.mf ff. 148-179 (15c)
.j1 Astrology
.j2 Zodiac and signs of
.j3 Cosmology
.b1 printed at Nuremberg, 1548 (a somewhat different text)
.k 0203K
.n t0038990000
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